Способ защиты физических и юридических лиц от финансовых потерь в результате причинения ущерба. При заключении договора страхования возникают правовые отношения между страховыми компаниями и страхователями. В обмен на страховой взнос (страховую премию - см. Premium 4) страховщик обязуется выплатить владельцу страхового полиса (страхователю) компенсацию при наступлении страхового случая. Различают общее страхование имущества от несчастных случаев и стихийных бедствий (general insurance), страхование жизни (life insurance) и страхование от увечья (accident insurance). Страхование распределяет риски таким образом, что потери одного лица компенсируются за счет взносов всех других застрахованных лиц. В этом заключается важная экономическая функция страхования. Для обозначения некоторых видов страхования жизни часто употребляется также термин «assurance». См. Risk and uncertainty.

Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "INSURANCE" в других словарях:

  • insurance — in·sur·ance /in shu̇r əns, in ˌshu̇r / n 1: the action, process, or means of insuring or the state of being insured usu. against loss or damage by a contingent event (as death, fire, accident, or sickness) 2 a: the business of insuring persons or …   Law dictionary

  • Insurance — In*sur ance, n. [From {Insure}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of insuring, or assuring, against loss or damage by a contingent event; a contract whereby, for a stipulated consideration, called premium, one party undertakes to indemnify or guarantee… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • insurance — ► NOUN 1) the action of insuring. 2) the business of providing insurance. 3) money paid for insurance, or as compensation under an insurance policy. 4) a thing providing protection against a possible eventuality …   English terms dictionary

  • insurance — [in shoor′əns] n. [earlier ensurance < OFr enseurance: see ENSURE] 1. an insuring or being insured against loss; a system of protection against loss in which a number of individuals agree to pay certain sums (premiums) periodically for a… …   English World dictionary

  • insurance — (n.) 1550s, engagement to marry, a variant of ensurance (see ENSURE (Cf. ensure)). Commercial sense of security against loss or death in exchange for payment is from 1650s. ASSURANCE (Cf. Assurance) was the older term for this (late 16c.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • insurance — see assure, assurance …   Modern English usage

  • insurance — [n] protection, security allowance, assurance, backing, cover, coverage, guarantee, indemnification, indemnity, provision, safeguard, support, warrant, warranty; concepts 318,332 …   New thesaurus

  • Insurance — This article is about risk management. For Insurance (blackjack), see Blackjack. For Insurance run (baseball), see Insurance run. In law and economics, insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a… …   Wikipedia

  • insurance — /in shoor euhns, sherr /, n. 1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one s person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a… …   Universalium

  • insurance — Guarding against property loss or damage making payments in the form of premiums to an insurance company, which pays an agreed upon sum to the insured in the event of loss. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * insurance in‧sur‧ance [ɪnˈʆʊərəns ǁ… …   Financial and business terms

  • insurance — A contract whereby, for a stipulated consideration, one party undertakes to compensate the other for loss on a specified subject by specified perils. The party agreeing to make the compensation is usually called the insurer or underwriter; the… …   Black's law dictionary

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